
From Longview ISD Technology Wiki

Revision as of 18:21, 9 January 2013 by Pwilliams (Talk | contribs)
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Login Problems

  • Erase the previous username and start with a clean typing space.
  • Make sure you do not have a space in front of the 1st letter of your username.
  • Type the password slowly.
  • “Failed to authenticate” - Type the password again
  • “Bad username or password”
    • Check for typing errors.
    • Type the information again slowly

Power Issues

Is the blue light glowing just below the Samsung label and above the silver bar? If not,

  • Make sure the power cable is pushed in snugly under the monitor and on the wall.

Power Plug

  • Make sure the toggle switch is turned ON.
  • Push the ON/OFF button under the silver bar gently to see if the blue light comes on.