Network: Personal File Management
From Longview ISD Technology Wiki
Network Personal Space Allotment
- Each teacher has 500 Mb of storage in your H-drive and 500 Mb of storage on Scomm and LISDcomm combined. That is a total of 1 Gb
- If you exceed that amount on either allotment you will not be able to save until you delete files to free up space.
Network Drives
- H-drive: this is your home directory. This is where you should save your files.
- LISDcomm: is a shared area on the server where you can save things that you want to share with other professionals within Longview ISD. Students do not have access to this drive.
- Scomm: is a shared area on the server where you can save things that you want to share with students. Students can see and open files but cannot save. The only place students can save on Scomm is in the Save folder.
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