Using the Quick Grade Mode

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  • Grading any multiple choice, T/F, Yes/No, short fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Grading assigned math problems from the textbook.
  • Grading a math worksheet.
  • Grading questions about a reading passage.


1. Open Smart Notebook
2. Click on the top menu bar Response > Create An Answer Key
Quick Mode

Note: If you select the Text question type, after typing in the correct answer, you click Add.
Note: Enter the title that reflects the actual assignment in your grade book.

(Remember: Maximum # of questions is 40)

8. Once finished with selection of questions types and selection of answers, click the Create button in the bottom right hand corner.
9. This will create your full assessment in Smart.

Procedures for Starting the Assessment

10. Click on the Title page in the Page Sorter.
11. Click the Response Tab on the left hand side of your Smart Notebook screen.
12. Fill in the Assessment description.
13. Select the choice of Feedback to the students.
Quick Mode
14. Select File > Save As, navigate to the appropriate location for saving.
15. Name the file assessmentname_p0 for a master copy of your assessment. *(p for period; 0 for master)
16. Double check your answers by clicking Response on the Menu Bar at the top of your window, select Set All Answers. Change any answers necessary and click Done.
17. Save copies of your master for each of your classes.saving for other classes, at the bottom of the Set All Answers screen.

Note: If you teach multiple classes of the same subject, while the master assessment is open, you may want to save the assessment for each class.

Select File> Save As. Name the file assessmentname_p1 for your first period class; then File> Save As again. Name the file assessmentname_p2 for your second period class. Continue for each class period.

This gives you a clean assessment for each period.

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